Minium Developer
It's a console aimed at developers, allowing the creation of automatic tasks in the browser to be used in end-to-end testing of your web applications.
It's a console aimed at developers, allowing the creation of automatic tasks in the browser to be used in end-to-end testing of your web applications.
It's aimed at business solutions, it's a more powerful console that provides useful reports of the ongoing projects and has a strong component in continuous integration.
Minium helps you test your web application in the same way a human would.
Minium is both simple and powerful: tests can be written in Cucumber even by non-technical people, but you also get the flexibility to automate complex tasks using JavaScript code.
You may be thinking: big deal, there are several other tools for browser automation... That's true, but:
usernameFld = $(":root").windows().find(":text").withLabel("Username");
input = $("input").below($("label").withText("Outbound *"));
datePicker = $("img.ui-datepicker-trigger").rightOf(input);
usernameFld = $(":root").frames().find(":text").withLabel("Username");
Minium Developer is a dedicated IDE for creating and running tests.
Write your tests in Cucumber
Implement your tests using jQuery and Minium expressions
See the test results for each step on the fly while the tests are running
Easily identify the lines where your tests are failing
Select any piece of code and evaluate it on the browser
Obtain expressions for an element with just a click using the Selector Gadget
Run your tests on multiple browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox
Optimize the process of test creation with templates, snippets and auto complete