Minium Documentation

In this section you'll find several resources to start learning Minium. The recommended learning path is to read the getting started guide on this page and then study the Learn section. After studying the Learn section, you should be ready to start automating your tests with Minium. If you get any doubt while creating the tests, you can probably find the answer in the sections API, Code Samples and User Manuals.

Getting Started

  1. Conceptual Overview - Understand Minium and the basic concepts to use it.
  2. How to install Minium Developer - Download and run Minium Developer.
  3. Running your first Minium test - Use Minium in order to create functional tests.

1. Conceptual Overview

What is Minium?

Minium is a framework developed at VILT that helps you test your web application the same way a human would.

Minium Developer is a console aimed at developers, allowing the creation of automatic tasks in the browser to be used in end-to-end testing of your web applications. Minium is both powerful and simple: tests can be written in Cucumber even by non-technical people, but you can integrate with your base code in any language by exposing a RESTful service. All these features make Minium a great way for you to integrate Behaviour Driven Development practices through out all phases of your project

Minium Manager is aimed at business solutions, it's a more powerful console that provides useful reports of the ongoing projects and has a strong component in continuous integration.


2. How to install Minium Developer

Before you start

Ensure that Java JDK 1.8+ is installed. Don't forget to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Install Minium Developer

Run Minium Developer

To launch Minium Developer, double-click on the executable:

Alternatively, you can run Minium Developer in the browser.

3. Executing your first Minium test

Create a new project

Field Value
Parent Directory parent path where you want to put your project (e.g. /home/user/workspace or c:\Dev)
Project Name minium-developer-test
Group ID com.minium
Feature file MyFeature
Step file my-steps

Run a feature