Cucumber Training

In this section we will try to walk you through on how to create a new end-to-end testing project using a real-world example.

We'll be using Minium Mail, a sample app that was adapted from the folks of flightjs. The application is available at

If you just want to jump straight to the finished test project you can check the complete source code in

Create a Minium Cucumber project

First of all, let's create a Minium Cucumber project:

Field Value
Project type Cucumber project
Parent Directory some existing directory, e.g. c:\dev
Project Name training-e2e-tests
Group ID
Version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Feature file send-mail
Step file mail-steps

Cucumber project form

Cucumber project filesystem

Feature run

Writing the first Scenario

As you already know a scenario is part of a feature, and the scenario itself is made of steps.

To illustrate the use of Minium and Cucumber we will create a user story that tests the functionality of sending emails. The first scenario that we will create is to send an email and verify if the email was really sent.

For that, we will need to:

  1. Go to the Minium Mail page
  2. Click on Compose button
  3. Fill the new email form
  4. Click on Send button
  5. Go to Sent section
  6. Verify is the email exists

Let's convert those actions into a scenario. For that, just replace all the content of feature/send-mail.feature with the following:

Feature: Send emails

  Scenario: Send a simple Email
    Given I'm at Minium Mail
    When I click on button "Compose"
    And I fill "Recipients" with "Rui Figueira"
    And I fill "Subject" with "Minium Test"
    And I fill "Message" with "My new Message"
    And I click on button "Send"
    And I navigate to section "Sent"
    Then I should see an email with "Recipients" equals to "Rui Figueira"
    And I should see an email with "Subject" equals to "Minium Test"
    And I should see an email with "Message" equals to "My new Message"

Also, clear all code in steps/mail-steps.js, because it no longer makes sense for these scenarios.

You can now try to run it by placing the cursor in any line of that scenario and press Ctrl + Enter or clicking Run:

Undefined steps

You'll notice that no step will actually run, because they have no implementation yet and are, for that reason, undefined.

Step definitions

The following step must ensure the browser is at our Minium Mail sample app:

Given I'm at Minium Mail

This step needs a step definition to translate plain text into actions that will interact with the system.

To create a step definition for that step, edit steps/mail-steps.js and add the following code there:

When(/^I'm at Minium Mail$/, function() {

That code will instruct Minium cucumber to call that function every time the correspondent regular expression matches a step.

You can now run the scenario again and you'll notice the WebDriver browser will open the page properly, and that the step Given I'm at Minium Mail will be marked as green:

First step passing


Try to implement a step definition for the following step:

When I click on button "Compose"

For it to be generic enough, we'll capture the button text in the step using a regular expression:

When(/^I click on button "(.*?)"$/, function(btnLabel) {
  // your code goes here

Then, run the scenario again to ensure it is working properly.

Fill a form

Now we want to fill the new email form. The steps used to fill the form are the following:

When I fill "Recipients" with "Rui Figueira"
And I fill "Subject" with "Minium Test"
And I fill "Message" with "My new Message"

In the figure below we can see the form that we want to fill:


In the step definition, we need to get all the elements of the form (stored in variable inputs). Since we can have different types of elements in a form (e.g. textbox, radio, button, checkbox, option, etc) we need to check the type of the input before we actually fill the form.

When(/^I fill "(.*?)" with "(.*?)"$/, function(fldName, value) {
  // get all elements of the form
  var flds = $("input, textarea, select");

  // find the element by its label
  var fld = flds.withLabel(fldName);

  // check the type of the element
  if (fld.waitForExistence().is("select")) {
    // if the element is a select box;
  } else {
    // if the element is a textbox

Try to run the scenario. You'll notice the form was filled, and the Send button was pressed because the same step definition responsible for clicking the Compose button was triggered.


Implement the And I navigate to section "Sent" step. You'll need to consider the fact that, after pressing the Send button, the modal backdrop will still be there and so you will need to wait for it to fade out and disappear. You'll get extra points if you use the base expression pattern.


Now we want to validate if the email that we send was actually sent. For that we will navigate to the section "Sent" and validate the data.

The steps used to validate if the email was sent are the following:

Then I should see an email with "Recipients" equals to "Rui Figueira"
And I should see an email with "Subject" equals to "Minium Test"
And I should see an email with "Message" equals to "My new Message"

The steps above will match the step definition below:

Then(/^I should see an email with "(.*?)" equals to "(.*?)"$/, function(field, value) {
    //find the rows of the table
  var headers = $("#mail-list th");
  var cells = $("#mail-list td");

  var header = headers.withText(field);
  var cell = cells.below(header).withText(value);

    //do the assertion

Add it to steps/mail-steps.js and run the scenario once again. It should now complete successfully.


Configuration values

In config/application.yml under your project, you can find all your Minium configuration (for instance, which default browser to use, browser window dimensions, etc.).

There is, however, a special configuration block under minium.config: that is configuration you can add and use in your application. In your javascript code, you can access all its properties under the variable config.


Edit the application.yml and change it to have a property baseUrl with the URL of Minium Mail sample app:


That baseUrl property is now under the variable config, so you can evaluate the following code in the javascript console:

config.baseUrl // it evaluate into ""

You can even add complex configuration there:

        username: admin
        password: strong_password
      - banana
      - orange
      - strawberry

We can now refactor our first step definition to use config.baseUrl instead of the hardcoded value:

When(/^I'm at Minium Mail$/, function() {

Data tables

We can refactor our feature file using tables. Tables are useful for specifying a larger data set and are more readable.

Scenario: Send an Email

  Given I'm at Minium Mail
  When I click on button "Compose"
  And I fill:
    | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
    | Subject    | Minium Test    |
    | Message    | My new Message |
  And I click on button "Send"
  And I navigate to section "Sent"
  Then I should see an email with:
    | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
    | Subject    | Minium Test    |
    | Message    | My new Message |

When we are using tables, the step definition needs to be changed. For the following steps using tables:

When I fill:
  | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
  | Subject    | Minium Test    |
  | Message    | My new Message |

The step definition is now receiving a datatable as argument with the information of table. What we need to do is iterate over the elements if the table and fill the form with them.

When(/^I fill:$/, function(datatable) {
  var flds = $("input, textarea, select");

  // get the values of the datatable creating an object like:
  // {
  //   "Contact": "Rui Figueira",
  //   "Subject": "Minium Test",
  //   "Message": "My new Message"
  // }
  var values = datatable.rowsHash();

  // iterate over the elements of the datatable
  for (var fldName in values) {
    var fld = flds.withLabel(fldName);
    var val = values[fldName];

    if ("select")) {;
    } else {

Interaction listeners and Base expressions

Global browser configuration like interaction listeners and base expressions can also be used in Minium Cucumber projects. For that, we recommend that the corresponding code goes into a steps/world.js file that makes use of a Cucumber function, World, which receives two callbacks: the first one is invoked when a scenario starts to run, and the second when it completes. As a good practice, base expressions and interaction listeners should be defined and registered inside the first callback, and then removed in the second callback:

var timeUnits = require("minium/timeunits");

var base;
var loadingUnexistenceListener;

World(function () {

  var loading = $(".loading").withCss("display", "block");

  // base expression
  base = $(":root").unless(".modal-backdrop").add(".modal-dialog");

  // we keep a variable for our interaction listener so that we can remove it
  // at the end of the execution
  loadingUnexistenceListener = minium.interactionListeners

  // browser configuration
      .timeout(1, timeUnits.SECONDS)
      .timeout(10, timeUnits.SECONDS)

}, function () {
  // we need to remove our interaction listeners at the end so that in the next
  // scenario we don't end up having two identical interaction listeners

  base = undefined;

Now, you can replace all $(...) calls with base.find(...) in any of your javascript files, and also remove any waitForUnexistence you have related with the spinning wheel and modal backdrop.


With Minium you can also create modules, in order to help you keeping your code clean, organized and reusable. A module is a standard object literal containing methods and properties.

For this example we can create a module to fill the form of the email. Create a new file modules/forms.js and paste the following code there:

var forms = {

  fill : function (vals) {
    for (var fldName in vals) {
      var value = vals[fldName];

      var fld = base.find("input, textarea, select").withLabel(fldName);

      if (fld.waitForExistence().is("select")) {;
      } else {

  submit : function () {
    var btn = base.find("submit");;

if (typeof module !== 'undefined') module.exports = forms;

After creating your module you can simply call it this way:

var forms = require("forms"); // or require("forms.js")

//  start composing an email

forms.fill({ "Recipients": "Minium Bot" });

So in your step definition, you can now use the module.

//require the form module
var forms = require("forms");

When(/^I fill:$/, function(datatable) {
  var values = datatable.rowsHash();

  //use the function of the module


Sometimes you will find yourself repeating the same Given steps in all of the scenarios in a feature.

You can move and group those steps under a Background section before the fisrt scenario. The background runs before each one of your scenarios.

Feature: Delete Emails

    Given I'm at Minium Mail

  Scenario: Delete an email
    Given an email with Subject "Minium Can!" exists
    When I delete an email with Subject "Minium Can!"
    And I navigate to section "Trash"
    Then I should see an email with:
      | Subject | Minium Can! |

  Scenario: Delete an email from trash
    Given I'm at section "Trash"
    And an email with Subject "Phasellus vitae interdum nulla." exists
    When I delete an email with Subject "Phasellus vitae interdum nulla."
    Then I shouldn't see an email with:
      | Subject | Minium Can! |

Scenario Outlines

In the follwoing scenarios, the steps are the same, only the data changes.

Scenario: Send an Email
    When I click on button "Compose"
    And I fill:
      | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
      | Subject    | Minium Test    |
      | Message    | My new Message |
    And I click on button "Send"
    And I navigate to section "Sent"
    Then I should see an email with:
      | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
      | Subject    | Minium Test    |
      | Message    | My new Message |

Scenario: Send an Email
    When I click on button "Compose"
    And I fill:
      | Recipients | Mario Lameiras                                         |
      | Subject    | BDD + Minium                                           |
      | Message    | Egestas morbi at. Curabitur aliquet et commodo nonummy |
    And I click on button "Send"
    And I navigate to section "Sent"
    Then I should see an email with:
      | Recipients | Mario Lameiras                                  |
      | Subject    | BDD + Minium                                    |
      | Message    | Egestas morbi at. Curabitur aliquet et commodo  |

We can refactor this scenarios using Scenario outlines. Scenario outlines allow us to write more concisely Scenarios through the use of a template with placeholders, using Examples with tables and < > delimited parameters. The following Scenario is the same as the one above.

Scenario Outline: Send simple emails
  When I click on button "Compose"
  And I fill:
    | Recipients | <to>      |
    | Subject    | <subject> |
    | Message    | <message> |
  And I click on button "Send"
  And I navigate to section "Sent"
  Then I should see an email with:
    | Recipients | <to>      |
    | Subject    | <subject> |
    | Message    | <message> |

    | to             | subject      | message                                        |
    | Rui Figueira   | Minium Test  | My New messages                                |
    | Mario Lameiras | BDD + Minium | Egestas morbi at. Curabitur aliquet et commodo |


If you want to have some help writing your steps, you can add in your config/application.yml of your cucumber project the step's that you are writing. This way you will have auto-completion features for those step's.

      - name: "Given I'm at Minium Mail"
      - name: "When I click on button \"...\""
      - name: "When I fill \"...\" with \"...\""
      - name: "When I navigate to section \"...\""
      - name: "Then I should see an email with \"...\" equals to \"...\""

Load external data

Sometimes, the application that you want to test can have dynamic data, and the data of the tests also need to be dynamic. In order to be able to have dynamic data in your tests, Minium allows you to parametrize the table row values and replace them with external data loaded from an excel or a CSV

1- Describe your scenario as Gherkin in a normal feature file.

Scenario: Send an Email
   When I click on button "Compose"
   And I fill:
     | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
     | Subject    | Minium Test    |
     | Message    | My new Message |
   And I click on button "Send"
   And I navigate to section "Sent"
   Then I should see an email with:
     | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
     | Subject    | Minium Test    |
     | Message    | My new Message |

2 - Tag the data table section with #@source:<your-file-with-the-data>

Your Scenario will like:

Scenario: Send an Email
   When I click on button "Compose"
   And I fill:
     # @source:data/data-table.csv
     | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
     | Subject    | Minium Test    |
     | Message    | My new Message |
   And I click on button "Send"
   And I navigate to section "Sent"
   Then I should see an email with:
     # @source:data/data-table.csv
     | Recipients | Rui Figueira   |
     | Subject    | Minium Test    |
     | Message    | My new Message |   

3 - Create an Excel file or a CSV file, with the same structure.

Recipients,Minium Bot
Subject,Minium Test with Loaded Data
Message,New Messages with Loaded Data

Result with external data loaded

When the scenario will be executed, Minium will replace your data table with the data of the external source. For this example your scenario will become:

Scenario: Send an Email
   When I click on button "Compose"
   And I fill:
     # @source:data/data-table.csv
     | Recipients | Minium Bot                      |
     | Subject    | Minium Test with Loaded Data    |
     | Message    | New Messages with Loaded Data   |
   And I click on button "Send"
   And I navigate to section "Sent"
   Then I should see an email with:
     # @source:data/data-table.csv
     | Recipients | Minium Bot                      |
     | Subject    | Minium Test with Loaded Data    |
     | Message    | New Messages with Loaded Data   |


Supported formats

You can check the complete source code in